Thursday, 7 November 2013

None so blind as those who will not see

Never mind the deaths, get the admin right !

After the University Hospital of Wales has been slated as being 'Dangerous' by the Royal College of Surgeons, Senior and junior doctor's organisations, had more deaths than Shipman, continued hospital-acquired infections - what do the hospital and government Mandarins do !  Why sit on their thumbs, of course, and the only time they open their mouths is to change feet !

After Mark Drakeford's disgraceful and inexplicable refusal to hold an enquiry into the poor management at UHW, the apparent wanton overspending and ( not forgetting ) the avoidable deaths of patients on the growing waiting lists, constitute a shameless admission of gross incompetence at the Universally Inept Hospital of Wales.  The reports ( eg Royal College of Surgeons, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Psychiatrists etc ) are all based on fact, whereas the Minister's responses are based on complete fiction and blatant lies. No one in Government will correct the situation in the  NHS because this would constitute an admission of failure - which is irrefutably the truth.

Let's get fully up to date, shall we ?  Cardiff Vale Universally Inept Health Board issued their budget, showing that they had to make saving of £56.7m this fiscal year - Why ? no one has a clue.  Yet Leslie Griffiths added a belated contingency fund of £80+m and then failed to report the budget overspend situation at the end of the same year. Recently, the Finance Minister, Jane Hutt announced an extra £570m for the NHS, over three years, with £150 m of that to be allocated to the remainder of this year.  In addition it is reported that Labour has made £800m worth of cuts to the NHS over 5 years So, after all the murderous cuts followed by an extra dollop of £570m, what is the situation NOW ?

According to our latest Board executive, Adam Cairns, 380 jobs will have be cut before March 2014. THIS is following Mark Drakeford and Graham Shortland's declarations that "We will be prepared for the winter demand."  It all makes perfect sense really : A and E and all other critical service have been cut and centralised, staff are to be made redundant, winter demands will be "Unprecedented" as usual, and they're letting at least 380 staff go. This means that there will be less facilities and less staff to handle the already increased demand ( from our growing population ) and NO additional staff 'on call' to handle the "Unprecedented demands".  Reading the rest of Mr Cairn's pathetically inaccurate excuses for this drastic action ( at a time when the need for health services will be at its greatest ), will leave you completely bemused.

Some satisfaction could be harvested from this confusing state of affairs - IF - the 380 job losses were to be made from the Board and Senior managers of the hospital, along with the inept puppeteers and clowns in our government.  Sadly, this will not be the case, with more nurses being heaved out and less doctors left, running around like blue-arsed flies.

Personally speaking, I find the situation staggering, confused and totally inadequate  In short, a dog's breakfast or Fred Carno's Circus ( take your pick ).  I shudder to think of how many deaths there must continue to be of patients stuck on waiting list for treatment. In addition, I am certain that the deaths amongst the elderly will increase tenfold - and all this due to the monumental incompetence of UHW, NHS Wales, and the Welsh Government. And - at the end of it all - the Echo will still be reporting 'good news' from these bodies, especially as investigative reporting of facts no longer exists ! And - OH,( I nearly forgot ) "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story".   R.  W.

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