Thursday, 15 November 2012

Health Minister Shoots Herself in the other Foot

'Health Board at Centre of row over NHS report'.

It seems like only a month ago that Leslie Griffiths shot herself in the foot over the contrived Marcus Longley report that nearly told the truth, and now - before the wound has healed - she's blasted the other foot when The National Clinical Forum, that she set up, failed to follow orders.
The report was requested to support the changes proposed for North Wales, currently under consultation ( contrived, of course ), yet some honest pillock on the NCF ventured to tell the truth by saying that the changes were 'unsustainable'.  Fortunately this contravention of the Minister's instructions was quickly spotted by the Welsh Conservatives. UNfortunately - following a brief exchange of e-mails between the Chair of the NCF and the Minister's office - the report was hastily retracted and altered to support the proposals, causing further accusations of collusion and downright contrived alterations, to be hurled across the floor of the Sennydd.  In a glaring piece of understatement, the Shadow Health Minister, Darren Millar, said, "These revelations will further undermine the low level of public confidence which exists in the reconfiguration process in the Welsh NHS ( surely not - how do you undermine 'rock bottom' - RW ).  Rubbing salt in the wound, Mr Millar added, "The National Clinical Forum is supposed to offer independent advice to health boards on service reorganisation in their areas.  The Whole thing Stinks !"  Even the pantomime King of ministers, Carwyn Jones couldn't be heard above the hoots of laughter, as he told AMs" ministers had not been involved in changes to the report", adding that there had "been no interference of any kind" by the Welsh Government and that the government "had complete confidence" in the NCF (to do as they were told in future - RW ).  A bit later, the Betsy Cadwalader Chief Executive lamely added that "The NCF was asked to "clarify" specific proposals", and the forum's Chairman said "Amendments were needed to remove any "ambiguity" from the report. ( Yeah Right, and I'm the Queen of the Fairies - RW ).

Well, if that isn't enough to send readers into paroxysms of hysterical laughter - nothing will !   R.W.

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