Traditionally, August is a boring month for the press and is known as the 'silly season' due to Parliament and the corrupt Welsh Government being closed, leaving the NHS to stumble along as badly as they do every other month of the year. Where to start ?
Thanks to the incompetent handling of the CTG foetal heart scan, Merthyr mother is grieving over the loss of her stillborn twins. Midwife Kay Cotter allowed the mother home, still in great pain, with the result being that neither twin lived through the birth after an urgent re-admission.
As usual, the incompetent doctor wasn't challenged and will go on to make more fatal cock-ups.
Once again, coroner Mary Hassell makes another stupid verdict on Patricia Callow, who died under the same circumstances as her poor husband Cyril. Both had taken sedatives and made a suicide pact before sealing plastic bags over their heads, yet only Cyril was determined to have committed suicide. Limebourne Court's (Whitchurch) warden didn't check up on them for a 'few days', adding to the certainty of both suicide attempts. Yet Mary Hassell chickens out on the proper double suicide verdict - unless of course, she knows that a plastic bag blew in through the window and suffocated Patricia Callow by accident. ( yeah right ).
Hywel Dda Health Board have - predictably - ordered the closure of two community hospitals, claiming that the changes are due to 'a change in demographics'. How do they know when an epidemialogical Needs Assesment hasn't been conducted fo over a dead. Still, it's just a coincidence that all these 'changes' were announced ( or confirmed ) after Minister, Lesley Griffiths Chaired a meeting of ALL Welsh health boards was held 'in camera', with not a single suggestion of any collusion, of course (yeah right). Personally I, and the rest of the population still cannot comprehend the rediculously untrue that her department and Professor Marcus Longley didn't collude over the report on the NHS changes, or his laughable commentary on the Community Health Councils, when piblic opinion was only allowed to be given by personal appointment with the obedient academic, who knows which side his bread is buttered on. Every Health Minister gets worse and worse by the hour, which makes this writer wonder who - from the dregs of the barrell containing the Labour A.Ms - will be selected to hold the next poisoned chalice. One thing is absolutely certain - the NHS and the Welsh government will continue to ignore public opinion, just as they have done for years. The worst example of this contempt is shown by the decision to close the A & E department in Llanelli, in favour of a nurse-led injury unit, fully equipped with disenfectant, magic creams and plenty of elastoplast bandages. What a ruddy farce - even at Llandough hospital where the Health Board had the cheek to apologise for the neglectful care of Eileen Cligget, who died after suffering from an untreated bed sore.
Ex-councillor, John Smith, summed it up best in his letter to the Echo on 2nd August, verbatim :
"So much for devolution and bringing decision-making closer to the people
The Welsh Government is considering a report which promotes a health service of less treatment in hospital and more in the community.
What strategy lies behind this strategy ? Is it the transference of to GPs to be followed with budgets, the declared aim of the Westminster Government ?
The original demand for devolution was to bring decision making closer to the peopl of Wales.
They do not consult with us but are increasing control over our living and even our death, even more than the coalition in London !" F. John Smith, Grangetown, Cardiff.
[N.B. I nearly forgot - something's missling - the onslaught of reports from Jewell and Sissling. Their deluge of rhetoric is more insincere and lacking in meaningful content than anything emanating from the NHS. Where is Adan Cairns, the new Chief Executive ???? Surely he's not still learning his script, it can't be that difficult ? After all, he only has to repeat the same crap that his predecesor read and wrote ? Or perhaps he didn't admire her leaving the £46m defecit that started all this decimation of services ???]
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