Thursday, 30 October 2014

Hiding heads in the sand

Ignoring all demands for an Independent enquiry into the failings of NHS Wales is continuing as Minister Mark Drakeford accuses he BMA of playing "political games".  Nothing in the BMA report could - in any way - be interpreted as playing political games, yet the governments response reveals a note of desperation about their feeble attempts to hide the truth.

Personally, I have collected six more articles that show the endemic incompetence of our government and their failure to overcome the ever-lengthening waiting lists and inadequate services. 20,151 patients have been waiting for more than 36 weeks for treatment at the end of August, beating all previous records.

During the past month I have been unable to write about the continuing failings as I have become more and more conscious of my own declining health, as well as my personal failure at raising awareness awareness of the problems detailed in my posts.  It is soul destroying to have to look back over 252 posts and realise that I have failed to achieve anything more than impress a few close friends.  On top of this my heart failure gets worse and I can't seem to rid myself of the Deep Vein Thrombosis that has obliged me to have to self-administer over 130 injections of Heparin.  My death draws nearer and I have been panicking over the awful business of putting my affairs in order, for the sake of my family.